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Do you want to build a snowman?

Do you want to build a snowman?

I don’t know about where you live, but here in Texas it has been really hot outside! Shocking, I know! So how do my munchkin and I beat the heat while having fun and learning a little along the way? Well, besides squeezing in our daily airing of Frozen, we built a snowman!

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Vivify Presents: Summer STEM Calendar!

Vivify Presents: Summer STEM Calendar!

Are you looking for STEM activities, but don’t know where to begin? Does engineering or science seem like a foreign subject?  These thoughts often prevent teachers and parents from using STEM activities, but STEM is not difficult to implement! All parents and teachers can use STEM activities for an engaging way to practice math and science skills. STEM is all about connecting academics to the real world to awaken a passion in students for learning and discovery!

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Vivify Presents: Winter STEM Calendar

Vivify Presents: Winter STEM Calendar

Just in time for the winter holidays, we have created a STEM winter-themed calendar! Students will pop frozen bubbles, make fake snow, design a new Santa sleigh, build a wrapping paper bridge, and much more. The calendar is jam-packed with ideas to keep the learning going during these holiday months. This calendar is recommended as a STEM challenge to students for the holiday break!

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STEM at Home, STEM Careers Vivify STEM STEM at Home, STEM Careers Vivify STEM

I Didn't Always Want to be an Engineer

What!?! Yes, it is true. Engineering was never my ultimate dream job; but it was part of my dream.

I remember one day in an engineering class at Texas A&M University where the professor asked my classmates and I, "Who in here wants to end up working with people?"  I don't remember the point of this question, but I do remember that there were only two people in the class that raised their hands-- me and my Vivify sidekick, Natasha. You see, my dream was always to help people. I enjoy working with others, finding creative ways to solve the problems of this world, and ultimately improving the lives of others. The issue was, however, that I had this knack and interest in engineering, particularly for Aerospace Engineering.  So where and how would my skills and my dream collide?

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Diet Coke + Mentos Balloon Experiment
STEM at Home, STEM Activity Vivify STEM STEM at Home, STEM Activity Vivify STEM

Diet Coke + Mentos Balloon Experiment

A staple science experiment is the famous Diet Coke + Mentos reaction. Every child loves the impressive geyser created from combining these two ingredients. If you are not familiar with this classic, I highly recommend you try it out or at least watch this video: MythBusters

One problem with conducting this experiment in a classroom is the obvious messy factor. Another issue is having students actively participate instead of just watching an awesome explosion (still highly recommended). My twist on this experiment involves a smaller version of the reaction that is contained inside a balloon! Read on to learn more. 

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